Friday, March 22, 2013


We've been reading Julius Ceasar the past few days. I believe if Julius Ceasar was around during this day and age and had a facebook page, this is what it would be like(:

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Monday, March 18, 2013


I believe I am a very loyal person. I have been loyal to my friends many many times. My friend went from being a well liked person, to a the talk of the school. They were saying she was a liar, a whore, and she smoked weed. Although I didnt go to her school, I still stuck up for her. If some one messed with her on facebook, twitter, etc, i made sure I said something to them. She lost many friends except for one, me.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Our commercial on rape, bullying, and suicide featuring Lauren Fenner, Matthew McClain, Kennedy Karpany, and myself!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Melinda and the Caged Bird

I think Melinda is a lot like the caged bird. Both of them want to be free, but somethings holding them back. They are not truly happy because they fear everything. At the same time they are different. Melinda was sexually assaulted and was uncomfortable telling anyone. She believed that no one would believe her because everyone hated her. The caged bird on the other hand is just singing sadly and not really trying to free. The caged bird pretty much accepted his fate. Melinda didn't.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Suicide.. It's Real.

I think many people may feel like suicide is the best option because they feel like they do not have another way out. They have many troubles they are dealing with and they feel like things would be better if they were dead. I don't think this is a good idea. You're throwing away you whole life... literally, over a situation that probably can be resolved with no big deal. People should fix things before going to the extreme. I've had a friend who thought it was okay to hurt herself because of problems at home. It definitely wasn't easy seeing her like this. It took many talks to get that terrible idea out of her head. It was such a relief when she realized it was not okay to do this to herself. I also know of someone at the school committing suicide last year. I knew of him, but we weren't friends per say. The only contact I came with him was when I bought a candy bar from him. He seemed sweet. He was nice to me. When he took his life, devastation filled the school. Everyone was wondering what could've happened for him to have gone to such an extreme measure. The people who were his close friends were thinking, "What if I had've talked to him that day and asked him how he was?" or "What if I had actually listened to what he had to say instead of me putting all my problems on his shoulders. Through all of these things going on, I came to the ultimate conclusion: No one should have to go through this. No one deserves to have second thoughts about living because of bullying, sexual harassment, or even problems at home. No one also deserves to have thoughts wondering what they could've done differently that day to stop this from happening. To resolve that problem, I think people need to think twice before saying something ugly to someone. You never know when they're on their last leg and cant take it anymore. So, it's best to just not say anything at all unless it's something that could help that person. Even if it doesn't save them from making that ultimate decision, at least you know it was out of your control and nothing you could've done, and you wont be stuck thinking "what if."